Sunday, April 22, 2007

Santo and Hughes - Part of It

To be right to the point, I am writing this on the day after a nice win by the Cubs, where Jason Marquis, whom I still fear but less so now, came out and vanquished the Cardinals, the Cubs real rivals and the team which sent him packing last year, not even putting him on their playoff roster and leaving him out for several multi-run drubbings with no relief. They did him nasty and so for a game he repaid them almost as handsomely as the Cubs paid him this off-season. I'll even allow that he toyed with them, allowing them to get on base frequently, to stay there and collect their gloves from team mates as they came out of the dugouts. Then, to add insult to injury, he told Lou to send out our worst pitcher to relieve him, and they were so defeated they couldn't even hit NL batting practice pitcher Will Ohman for two innings, bringing his ERA DOWN to 9.0!

I'm all giddy, and so I will take this time to write about one of my favorite and most rewarding points of being a Cubs fan, Santo and Hughes. Even on days when I am able to watch the game, like yesterday, I will make the point of going somewhere and listening to it on the radio, if just for a few moments, because the world never sounds son right as when presented by Ron and Pat during a winning game. Often, I do it just to make sure that Ron didn't finally jump out of the front of the booth during the previous day's meltdown.

Ron's spirits especially are those I check on, because I believe they mirror my own, this guy truly does Bleed Cubbie Blue.

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